Crate timer_kit

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A timer toolkit that is generic over the underlying timer implementation.

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This crate does not implement any platform-specific timer but uses a generic abstraction over the timer implementation to provide a set of timer related tools:

  1. sleep()/Sleep
  2. timeout()/Timeout
  3. interval()/Interval
  4. DelayQueue

This crate currently does not provide any feature beyond the ones that is already provided by tokio, so this crate is completely not needed if you are already using tokio in your project.

The core of this crate is the Delay trait, and it is implemented for the following types by enabling the corresponding features:

TypeFeatureTarget Arch

WebAssembly support

Support for wasm32-unknown-unknown target depends on the chosen timer implementation. wasm-timer and fluvio-wasm-timer are the only two wasm timer implementations that are currently supported.


The usage remains mostly similar to those provided in tokio::time with one additional generic type parameter D which is the type of the underlying timer implementation. Please refer to the documentation of the corresponding types for more details.


Error types.


A queue of delayed elements. This is ported from tokio_util::time::delay_queue.
An entry in DelayQueue that has expired and been removed.
An Interval allows you to wait on a sequence of instants with a certain duration between each instant.
Token to a value stored in a DelayQueue.
A future that completes after a specified duration.
A timeout future.


Ported from [tokio::time::interval::MissedTickBehavior]


A trait that defines a delay, which is the fundamental building block of this crate.
A trait that defines an instant.


Creates new Interval that yields with interval of period. The first tick completes immediately. The default MissedTickBehavior is MissedTickBehavior::Burst, but this can be configured by calling Interval::set_missed_tick_behavior.
Creates new Interval that yields with interval of period with the first tick completing at start. The default MissedTickBehavior is MissedTickBehavior::Burst, but this can be configured by calling Interval::set_missed_tick_behavior.
Creates a new Sleep that completes after the specified duration.
Creates a new Sleep that completes at the specified deadline
Creates a new Timeout with a specified duration.
Creates a new Timeout with a specified deadline.